Costa Rica 2024

Returning to Costa Rica this year was nostalgic, recalling my first visit during college. Shortly after September 11, 2001, I moved out of Wyoming for the first time to study abroad for 4 months. 23 years later, this family-organized trip had challenges and joys. I am grateful to rediscover this special place, to make new memories, and to share some of the images we captured.

7 Friday


We all went to Manuel Antonio National Park. I am pretty sure I have been here but it has changed a lot in 23 years. Despite the crowds, we saw many fascinating animals due to the skills of our guide and I’m definitely glad we went. It was also an easily accessible place for people of all ages and abilities to walk on developed trails and see the nature. Perfect for a family trip!

Later we enjoyed our last afternoon and evening at the house. The chefs made the best ceviche of our trip (and we ate a lot of ceviche)!


There was a fun surprise for us in the parking lot…leaf-cutter ants!


Our last evening at the house…